このたび、東北大学では「Ukraine Humanitarian Support Fund(ウクライナ支援募金)」を設置しました。東北大学萩友会では、同窓生をはじめとする東北大学コミュニティの皆様からのご支援を受け入れ、それらを必要としている方々へと広く結びつけてまいります。
Tohoku University has set up the Ukraine Humanitarian Support Fund. Tohoku University Shuyukai Alumni Association accepts donations from alumni and all members of the Tohoku University community, and will widely distribute them to those in need.
We sincerely appreciate your understanding and support.
Center for Northeast Asian Studies Tohoku University public lecture.
“Considering Asylum Seekers and Refugees in the Wake of Russia’s Invasion of Ukraine” will be held.(2024/2/10)
2024年2月10日(土) 14時~17時
Date: Saturday, February 10, 2024, 14:00-17:00
Place: Tohoku University Katahira Sakura Hall (hybrid event)
※Pre-registration required [in-person (first 90 people), webinar].
Application Deadline: Thursday, February 8, 2024 by 17:00
【申込フォーム/Application form】
Prof. Yukari Ando(Toyama University・international human rights law)
Prof. Taichi Kishimi(Fukushima University・politics)
Prof. Yusuke Bando(Otaru University of commerce・constitution)
Prof. Yuko Osakada(Chuo University・international human rights law)
Prof. Hiroki Takakura(Tohoku University・Social Anthropology)
【詳細】 【東北アジア研究センター ウェブサイト】
【detail】 【Center for Northeast Asian Studies website.】
joint sponsorship:NIHU Global Area Studies Program – East Eurasian Studies Project. All rights reserved.
support:Center for International law and policy.
E-mail:eestohoku2022*gmail.com (*を@に替えて送信してください)
Center for Northeast Asian Studies.
E-mail:eestohoku2022*gmail.com (Please replace * with @ and send.)
Book Café “Kasei no niwa” has offered to assist our project(2022/6/27)
We are pleased to announce that the book café “Kasei no niwa” in Sendai City has donated a portion of the proceeds from an exhibition and sale of ex libris(※①) held at their store to our Ukraine Humanitarian Support Fund set up by the University.
(ブックカフェ「火星の庭」店主/前野 久美子 様)
●We received the following comment from the owner, Mrs. Maeno, regarding our support.
I was happy when I found Ukraine Humanitarian Support Fund online. My child is a student at Tohoku University, so when I found out about this fundraiser, I thought this was it. I thought it was good that the use of the donation was clear, such as support for students, and that the donation would reach people in close proximity.
As far as I see on the news, the number of people asking for support is increasing, and I believe that the situation will continue to be very difficult, so I will keep my interest in this project for a long time, even if it is a small one.
(Kumiko Maeno, Owner, Book Cafe “Kasei no niwa”)
We would like to express our sincere appreciation for your support of the donation fund set up by us and for expanding our efforts.
Your warm support will be utilized for our continuous support, while we listen to each and every one of the various voices that Ukraine sends to our university on a daily basis.
We sincerely appreciate your continued understanding and support.
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(Photo left)Exhibition and sale
(Photo right)Mrs.Maeno , owner of the store, in front of the store
※① 蔵書票とは、本の見返しに貼って本の持ち主を示すためのもので、票主の名前を図案に入れて銅版画や木版画などの技法で制作され、1点ずつ作家のサインとシリアルナンバーが入る特注品。国内外の多くのコレクターを有する美術品の一つ。
※① Ex libris are bookplates that are affixed to the front end of a book to indicate the owner of the book. It is a custom-made item that is produced using copperplate or woodblock printing techniques with the name of the voter in the design, and each piece is signed and serial numbered by the artist. It is one of the art works that have many collectors in Japan and abroad.
Book Cafe “Kasei no niwa” website
・「紙の宝石」蔵書票、豊かな世界広がる 2000点、仙台で展示即売会
◇The activity of “Kasei no niwa” is published in Kahoku News.
・2000 “Paper Jewels” Ex Libris. A rich world spreads. An exhibition and sale event will be held in Sendai.
【Kahoku News(The external site opens.)】
NIIZAWA SAKE BREWERY has offered to assist our project(3/29)
代表取締役の新澤 巖夫さんは、今回のウクライナ侵攻のニュースに触れ、すぐに支援を思い立ったそうです。そして、社員である本学同窓生・板井 遼太さん(2018年農学研究科修了)を通じて、東北大学へ有難いお申し出をいただきました。
At the same time as the University’s call for Ukraine Humanitarian Support Fund, we received an offer of support from Niizawa Sake Brewery, a Miyagi Prefecture brewery founded in 1873.
Niizawa Brewery is famous for its “Hakurakusei” and “Atago no Matsu” sake breweries, which are well known to many sake lovers. The brewery has been operating in Sambongi, Osaki City for about 140 years, but the Great East Japan Earthquake completely destroyed the brewery and devastated the area. In November 2011, the brewery relocated its production department to its current location in Kawasaki-Cho and resumed sake production.
President Iwao Niizawa was touched by the news of the recent invasion of Ukraine and immediately thought of providing support. He then made a grateful offer to Tohoku University through one of the employees, Ryota Itai, a Tohoku University alumnus (graduated from the Graduate School of Agricultural Science in 2018).
●What are your thoughts on this offer?
(Mr. Niizawa)When we experienced the Great East Japan Earthquake, we received support from many people. Based on that experience, we wanted to return the favor. What we can do is to provide dormitories and places to work for internship students. Our employee Yamagishi will provide support at the dormitory.
●Why did you contact Tohoku University in the first place?
(Mr. Itai)I am a graduate of Tohoku University. Many international students studied together with me when I was a student at the university, and I realized that it is a very internationally-minded university. When I learned about the news from Ukraine, I contacted Tohoku University in the hope that the university’s international responsiveness and sense of speed would be utilized to connect those in need with the support offered by my alma mater.
●What impact do you hope your support will have?
(Mr. Niizawa)We look forward to Tohoku University’s alumni network and experienced international support. We sincerely hope that we can save as many people as possible.
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(Photo left)Meeting with university staff
(Photo right)(from left)Mr.Itai, President Niizawa, Mr.Yamagishi
Click here for the detailed release.
(Tohoku University Website)
(Tohoku UniversityFund Website)
【For inquiries regarding support other than fundraising】
Tohoku University Alumni Office (Shuyukai)
Tel: 022 217-5059
TEL: 022-217-6021
【Contact point for those in need of assistance】
International Support Center
(International Support Division, General Affairs Department Tohoku University)
TEL: 022-217-6021